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Database Table Descriptions

data describing any participant (except a paper reviewer, who has a slightly different table)
Column Description Data Type
id person number int(8) unsigned auto_increment
last last name varchar(30) NOT NULL
first first name varchar(30) NOT NULL
pfx optional prefix varchar(10) default NULL
sfx optional suffix varchar(10) default NULL
affil affiliation varchar(80) NOT NULL
email email address varchar(50) NOT NULL
tel telephone number varchar(20) default NULL
fax FAX number varchar(20) default NULL
addr street postal addresss varchar(80) default NULL
city city name varchar(30) default NULL
prov province or state varchar(20) default NULL
pcode postal code varchar(10) default NULL
country country name varchar(30)default NULL
UNIQUE KEY (last,first,sfx)    

data describing a paper submitted for possible presentation
Column Description Data Type
pn paper number int(8) unsigned auto_increment
title paper title varchar(255) NOT NULL
numauth number of authors int(2) NOT NULL
category paper category varchar(60) NOT NULL
category2 optional 2nd paper category varchar(60) default NULL
filename full path to downloaded paper varchar(255) NOT NULL
filesize size of this file in bytes int(10) unsigned NOT NULL
filetype file type may be: PDF or PostScript varchar(50) NOT NULL
status paper's current status set('PRE','CRE','MOD','DEL','LCK')
contact contact author id # from people table int(8) unsigned NOT NULL
email contact author email address varchar(50) NOT NULL
pass author password to access this paper varchar(16) NOT NULL
moddate date of modification of this row entry timestamp(14) NOT NULL
regdate date of creation of this row entry timestamp(14) NOT NULL

data associating people with paper
Column Description Data Type
pn paper number int(8) unsigned
id person number int(8) unsigned auto_increment
pos position in authorlist unsigned NOT NULL
contact 'Y' if contact author set('Y','N') NOT NULL

a reviewer who is given a list of papers to review
Column Description Data Type
rid reviewer number int(8) unsigned auto_increment
last last name varchar(30) NOT NULL
first first name varchar(30) NOT NULL
pfx optional prefix varchar(10) default NULL
sfx optional suffix varchar(10) default NULL
affil affiliation varchar(80) NOT NULL
email email address varchar(50) NOT NULL
pass password for web access varchar(16) NOT NULL
cochair if person is a cochair set('Y','N') NOT NULL
dom1 pimary area of expertise varchar(60) NOT NULL
dom2 2nd domain of expertise varchar(60) NOT NULL
dom3 3rd domain of expertise varchar(60) NOT NULL
UNIQUE KEY (email)    
UNIQUE KEY (last,first,sfx)    

data describing the review data for a submitted paper
Column Description Data Type
pn paper # from paper tab int(8) unsigned
rid reviewer # from reviewer tab int(8) unsigned
status paper's current review status set( 'ASSN','REVD','ACC','REJ','WTDR' ) NOT NULL
moddate date of modification timestamp(14) NOT NULL
assndate date of creation timestamp(14) NOT NULL
cat1 1st review category int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
cat2 2nd review category int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
cat3 3rd review category int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
cat4 4th review category int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
cat5 5th review category int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
rec reviewer recommendation int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
self reviewer confidence int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
award1 recommend for award 1 set('Y','N')
award2 recommend for award 2 set('Y','N')
session1 1st recommended session varchar(80)
session2 2nd recommended session varchar(80)
authcomm public comments for author text
privcomm private comments for chair text

paper review qualities for each sub-category (cat1, cat2, ..., rec, self)
Column Description Data Type
quality column from revpaper varchar(10) NOT NULL
type type of quality set('specific','general') NOT NULL
descr descriptive phrase varchar(50) NOT NULL

numeric value for each possible selected review quality for each sub-category (cat1, cat2, ..., rec, self)
Column Description Data Type
quality column from revquality varchar(10) NOT NULL
score this numeric score int(1) unsigned NOT NULL
meaning describe what this score means varchar(50) NOT NULL

list of accepted papers and their upload data (for publication in the proceedings)
Column Description Data Type
pn paper # from paper tab int(8) unsigned
filename full path to downloaded paper varchar(255) NOT NULL
filesize size of this file in bytes int(10) unsigned NOT NULL
filetype file type : PDF or PostScript varchar(50) NOT NULL
status paper's current status set( 'PRE','CRE','MOD','WTDR','LCK' ) NOT NULL
moddate date of modification timestamp(14) NOT NULL
regdate date of creation timestamp(14) NOT NULL

data describing the list of all presentation sessions for accepted papers
Column Description Data Type
sid session # int(8) unsigned auto_increment
name session name varchar(80) NOT NULL
room name of room for this session varchar(50) NOT NULL
chair person id # who will chair session int(8) unsigned NOT NULL
timeslot unique timeslot number int(4) unsigned NOT NULL

association between sessions and accepted papers for each session
Column Description Data Type
sid session # int(8) unsigned
pn paper # from paper tab int(8) unsigned
pos position # of paper in session int(2) unsigned NOT NULL

association between timesslots for each paper in a session and the time
Column Description Data Type
timeslot unique timeslot number int(4) unsigned NOT NULL
pos position # of paper in session int(2) unsigned NOT NULL
time time of presentation timestamp(14) NOT NULL

complete list of chairpersons for sessions
Column Description Data Type
id person number int(8) unsigned NOT NULL

list of all persons registered for the conference and their payment data and status
Column Description Data Type
id person number int(8) unsigned
moddate date of modification timestamp(14) NOT NULL
regdate date of registration timestamp(14) NOT NULL
debitdate date of actual payment timestamp(14) NOT NULL
skey session key varchar(50) default NULL
skeyexpdate timestamp of skey use timestamp(14) NOT NULL
status registration status set( 'PRE','ONL','OFFL','DBT','DEL' ) NOT NULL
paytype payment type set( 'CC','FAXCC','CHEQ','WTX','MISC' ) NOT NULL
cctype credit card type set( 'NONE','VISA','MasterCard' ) NOT NULL
ccnum credit card number varchar(19)
ccmon CC month of expiry int(2)
ccyr CC year of expiry int(4)
ccholder Card holder's name varchar(50)
ccauthcode CC authorization code varchar(10)
regcat registration category varchar(10)
opt1 # of extra tickets opt. 1 int(2) unsigned NOT NULL
opt2 # of extra tickets opt. 2 int(2) unsigned NOT NULL
biiled amount billed float(6,2) NOT NULL
paid amount paid float(6,2) NOT NULL
init payment admin's initials varchar(5)
memnumber IEEE membership # varchar(10)
comments payment adm's comments text

reference list of registration categories and registration options
Column Description Data Type
cat column from revpaper varchar(10) NOT NULL
descr descriptive phrase for category varchar(50) NOT NULL
cost1 cost for category before deadline float(5,2) NOT NULL
cost2 cost for category if after deadline float(5,2) NOT NULL
neednum if category requires membership set('Y','N') NOT NULL

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Denice DEATRICH 2003-10-12